, work from York Bumkins nearby Book an Aromatouch Technique Massage for a loved one and I will bring it to you. Whilst giving the massage I will talk you through how to do it, provide you with a handout to follow and links to more information. I am not a trainer but can give you enough information that you will be able to do this with your loved ones. If you would like to buy the oils I will offer a follow up where I can explain all the other ways you can use the oils. This is a present that can last forever. £50 for the session If you want to purchase the oil set to carry on doing the technique yourselves at £155, you will get the session cost back. For more information and to book just send me a message on here or facebook I am based in Stamford Brige near York, we work out of York Bumkins nearby, Selby Good Health Clinic but also travel up to Glasgow and Edinburgh quite often.